Enhance Your Life with the 10 Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness is a choice you make in life that requires continuous dedication and effort. It goes beyond general health and includes a positive outlook on your mind, body, and spirit. Here at the QuotableChef.com, my goal is to encourage and lead all of you towards an enhanced lifestyle through my blog posts and recipes, each of which are inspired by the ten dimensions of wellness. After all, as once said by prominent author, Virginia Woolf,
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Listed below are the ten dimensions defined along with their associated blog posts (view recipes here). As you continue to grow towards a healthier lifestyle, I encourage you to incorporate each of these dimensions in your daily life. When each of the dimensions of wellness are balanced and regularly practiced, you are free to begin living a whole and fulfilling life!
To continue learning about the ten dimensions of wellness and how they may be incorporated in your life and in your kitchen, visit my blog for recipes, follow my Instagram page, and subscribe to the Quotable Chef here!
Physical wellness is about moving. Every system of your body has structures and functions that support movement. Exercising is a great way to enhance your health and make you physically fit at the same time. Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life so that you are able to move about your day free of undue fatigue or physical stress.
Emotional wellness is about feeling and being in touch with your emotions. It is also about managing your emotions so that your life doesn’t fall apart each time something doesn’t go your way. It involves controlling your reactions when disaster strikes and learning that your response is a choice you make but one that takes time to develop.
Spiritual wellness is about being. It means taking the time to stop and take in your surroundings. Notice the flowers, smells, and colors of nature. Realize there is a power greater than yourself, whether it's through nature, religion, both, or something entirely opposite. Regardless of how you practice spirituality, doing it every day leads to a better well-being.
Environmental wellness is about preserving. It inspires us to be respectful to nature and our surroundings. It encourages us to live in harmony with Earth by taking action to protect it. This also includes your personal environment as it's important to care for your personal things.
Social wellness is about relating . It's about attracting and maintaining long-lasting relationships. Further, it involves building healthy, nurturing,and supportive relationships as well as fostering a genuine connection with those around you by taking the time to listen and learn from others.
Nutritional wellness is about eating foods that are high quality and lower in calories. It’s important to eat foods that are enjoyable and healthy at the same time as it allows you to have a better relationship with food. The key to this dimension is to eat in a balanced manner without feeling deprived.
Intellectual wellness is about learning and maximizing your cognitive abilities. The learning process includes five basic steps: readiness, stimulus, discovery, response, and application. Intellectual wellness depends on a daily habit of feeding your brain with material that expands your knowledge and world view in addition to challenging and engaging your higher level thinking skills.
Protectoral wellness is about safeguarding. It’s about paying close attention to your surroundings and potential hazards. These surroundings can include your home, work, school, and within your community. Likewise, protectoral wellness includes protecting your temple or, in other words, your body! If you pay attention to the foods you eat, you can reverse your age and prevent potential illnesses.
Occupational wellness is about working. It inspires us to prepare for a career in which we will gain personal satisfaction and enrich our lives. The best scenario for optimal wellness is to seek a career that is interesting, enjoyable, meaningful, and contributes to the larger society.
Financial wellness is about spending. It’s not about how much money you have but how you manage your money. Research shows that no matter your financial status is, if you manage your money well, you will live a happier life. Indeed, the happiest of people are those who live within their means.